
IEP Planning, Processes, and School Advocacy for Section 504

504/IEP Consultations


Individualized Education Program (IEP) / Consultation

The process of having your child evaluated for Section 504* or an Individualized Education Program (IEP)** within the school system can be an overwhelming and confusing process. As you embark on this journey, we are here to provide you with guidance, suggestions, and support to ensure your child’s and family’s needs are met. We firmly believe our mission is to join the family and educational team to unite our efforts in the best interest of your child.

Our services include consultation and direct advocacy, including:

  • Explaining procedures, timelines, and parental rights
  • Reviewing any documentation
  • Attending school meetings
  • Referring you to additional supports within the community, if needed

Who would benefit from a consultation with a special education professional?

Any parent, guardian or caregiver that is seeking a school based evaluation or has been recommended to initiate a school based evaluation by their child’s school team. This service is also useful for young adults looking for guidance on how to transition from a high-school 504/IEP to college support and accommodations.

What should I expect?

During a scheduled appointment, a school based, special education professional, will assess your individual case and concerns. They will provide answers to questions such as the difference between a 504 Plan and an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and support families in brainstorming possible modifications or accommodations to the school environment that could help their student be successful. Additionally, families may request that Marvelous Minds have a consultant available to participate virtually or in person at the special education/504 meeting as a guest of the family or as a child advocate.

I think a consultation would be great for my family! What should I do next?

Call us today to help you make an informed decision regarding whether a consultation is right for your family. Please have the following information available:

  • Meeting availability
  • Date of school meeting
  • Previous disability or diagnosis (if any)

*Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
**Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004